357 arrests made as part of Operation LeGend in St. Louis – KMOV.com

13 November 2020

ST. LOUIS (KMOV.com)– St. Louis is leading the pack when it {comes to|concerns|pertains to} arrests through Operation LeGend.

Operation LeGend {brings in|generates} federal {law enforcement agencies|police} to {work with|deal with} state and {local|regional} {law enforcement|police} to {{try|attempt} and root|root and {try|attempt}} out violent {crime|criminal offense|criminal activity}.

{Since|Because|Considering that|Given that} the program {first|initially} {came to|concerned|pertained to} St. Louis, 828 {people|individuals} {have|have actually} been {arrested|apprehended|detained|jailed}, {including|consisting of} 43 {homicide|murder} suspects, and 359 {guns|weapons} were {seized|taken}. According to {officials|authorities}, 357 {people|individuals} {have|have actually} been federally charged in the {area|location}.

[RELATED: Arrest made in Kansas City {boy|young boy|kid}’s death that {sparked|stimulated|triggered} federal {task|job} force]

“Through Operation LeGend, we {have|have actually} {dedicated|devoted|committed} over 1,000 federal {agents|representatives} and {tens|10s} of {millions of|countless} dollars to the cities. This includes our {agents|representatives} and intelligence {analysts|experts}, fugitive trackers, forensic {experts|professionals|specialists} to {work with|deal with} our {task|job} forces to take violent {criminals|bad guys|crooks|lawbreakers|wrongdoers} off the street. We {have|have actually} {already|currently} seen some {excellent|outstanding|exceptional} {results|outcomes} around the {country|nation},” {said|stated} U.S. {Attorney General|Attorney general of the United States|Chief law officer} William Barr.

According to the U.S. {Attorney|Lawyer}’s {Office|Workplace} for the Eastern District of Missouri, {homicides|murders} in St. Louis {decreased|reduced} by more than 50% {during|throughout} the 12 weeks the Operation {has|has actually} {been in|remained in} {place|location} compared to the 12 weeks prior. The city saw 111 {homicides|murders} from {May|Might} 12 to Aug. 12 compared to 52 {homicides|murders} {between|in between} Aug. 13 and Nov. 5. {Overall|General|Total} {crime|criminal offense|criminal activity} {has|has actually} {decreased|reduced} by 26.6% {since|because|considering that|given that} the Operation {began|started}.

Authorities {have|have actually} not {said|stated} when they {plan|prepare} to end Operation LeGend.

Operation LeGend data as of Nov. 5

U.S. {Attorney|Lawyer}’s {Office|Workplace} for the Eastern District of Missouri Source: kmov.com
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