AAA laying off 130 Missouri {employees|workers|staff members} –

11 November 2020

ST. LOUIS– AAA is laying off 130 {employees|workers|staff members} in Missouri. The {company|business} is {discontinuing|ceasing|terminating|stopping} its fleet services in St. Louis and Kansas City. According to {a spokesperson|a representative}, the {company|business} {decided|chose} to contract with {towing|hauling|pulling} {companies|business}.

{Many of|A lot of|A number of|Much of} the {employees|workers|staff members} {heard about|found out about|became aware of} the layoffs on Friday and the {first|very first} to be {let go|release} will have their last day on February 5, 2021.

Here {is part of|belongs to|becomes part of} {a statement|a declaration} we were {sent|sent out} from AAA:

On November 6, 2020, we {informed|notified} about 130 {employees|workers|staff members}, 95 of those in St. Louis, the club will be transitioning to the {exclusive|special|unique} {use|usage} of {contract|agreement} tow operators in St. Louis and Kansas City, and their positions will be {eliminated|gotten rid of|removed}. {Employee|Worker|Staff member} {well-being|wellness} {is important|is essential|is very important|is necessary} to us, and these {employees|workers|staff members} will have the {opportunity|chance} to {transition|shift} to {employment|work} with the {local|regional} {contract|agreement} tow {companies|business}, to {apply for|request|make an application for|obtain|get|look for} other {open positions|employment opportunities} with the {Auto|Car|Automobile|Vehicle} Club. For those that do not {transition|shift} to other positions, a severance {package|bundle|plan} will be {provided|offered|supplied}.

This {transition|shift} will {take place|occur|happen} in {phases|stages} throughout 2021.

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