{Insurance|Insurance coverage} stops {paying for|spending for} St. Louis nurse’s {rehab|rehabilitation} after near-fatal COVID infection – KX NEWS

17 November 2020

ST. LOUIS (KTVI)– A nurse on the {front lines|cutting edge} {helping|assisting} others with COVID contracted the {virus|infection} himself. Now, after months of {fighting for|defending} his life, he is {finally|lastly} {recovering|recuperating}– {but|however} his {insurance|insurance coverage} {says|states} they are no longer {willing to|ready to|happy to|going to} cover the {expense|cost|expenditure}.

Lakeitha and Gerald Adory are both {retirement home|retirement community} nurses and {loving|caring} {parents|moms and dads} to a 5-year-old {son|child|kid|boy} and 10-month-old {daughter|child}.

The {family|household} was healthy {until|up until|till} early September, when all of them contracted COVID-19. Lakeitha’s {mother|mom}, who {lives with|deals with|copes with} them, was the {first|very first} to {show|reveal} {symptoms|signs} and was hospitalized {a few|a couple of} days {later|later on}.

Eleven hours after sending her {mother|mom} to the {hospital|medical facility|healthcare facility|health center} at on Sept. 8, Lakeitha {said|stated} Gerald {woke up|got up|awakened} {very|extremely|really} {confused|baffled}. He was slurring his words and Lakeitha called an ambulance, {thinking|believing} he was having a stroke. It was COVID.

In the {hospital|medical facility|healthcare facility|health center}, Gerald {became|ended up being} {increasingly|progressively|significantly} {confused|baffled} {and then|and after that} {shortly|soon|quickly} after that, unresponsive. He was on a ventilator for 38 days. Gerald then had a seizure and {doctors|physicians|medical professionals} {had to|needed to} sedate him. After {removing|eliminating|getting rid of} the sedation, Gerald didn’t {wake up|get up|awaken}. He {was in|remained in} a coma and {doctors|physicians|medical professionals} {had to|needed to} put in a tracheostomy tube to {protect|safeguard|secure} his {airway|air passage|respiratory tract}.

After over a month of being unresponsive, Gerald {started|began} to {wake up|get up|awaken} {but|however} wasn’t able to talk or move his {{arms and legs|limbs}|legs and arms}.

{Once|When|As soon as} he was {stable|steady}, Gerald was {transferred|moved} to Missouri Baptist Selective {Care for|Take care of|Look after} ventilator weening.

After that it was on to DePaul {Rehabilitation|Rehab} {hospital|medical facility|healthcare facility|health center} for speech, physical, and occupational {therapy|treatment}. Gerald was making {improvements|enhancements} {but|however} after a week of {being there|existing}, the {hospital|medical facility|healthcare facility|health center} called. They {told|informed} Lakeisha that her {insurance|insurance coverage} {had|had actually} {decided|chosen} to no longer cover Gerald’s {rehab|rehabilitation}.

{Doctors|Physicians|Medical professionals} {don’t|do not} {know|understand} why and {have|have actually} {tried|attempted} talking with the {insurance company|insurance provider|insurer}.

Lakeitha is {frustrated|annoyed|disappointed}. She {said|stated} Gerald got COVID working as {a medical professional|a doctor|a physician} on the {front lines|cutting edge} {but now|now|and now|today} he can’t get the {therapy|treatment} he {needs|requires}. It {feels like|seems like} they are being {abandoned|deserted}.

Lakeitha is hoping {insurance|insurance coverage} {take another look|rethink|reevaluate|reconsider} at Gerald’s {situation|circumstance|scenario}, {but|however} she’s {not sure|uncertain|unsure|not exactly sure} they will.

{{Meanwhile|On the other hand}, the {son|child|kid|boy} of {a nursing home|an assisted living home|a retirement home} {resident|local|citizen|homeowner} where Gerald {used|utilized} to work {launched|introduced|released} a GoFundMe page on Gerald’s behalf.

| The {son|child|kid|boy} of a nursing {home|house} {resident|local|citizen|homeowner} where Gerald {used|utilized} to work {launched|introduced|released} a GoFundMe page on Gerald’s behalf.

} Source: kxnet.com

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