More charges for ‘Welcome to {Sweetie|Sweetheart|Darling} Pie’s’ star and his {insurance|insurance coverage} {agent|representative} –

20 August 2020

The grand jury {also|likewise} charged Norman and his {insurance|insurance coverage} {agent|representative} Waiel Rebhi Yaghnam, 42, of St. Louis, with one count of conspiracy to {commit|dedicate|devote} wire and mail {fraud|scams}

ST. LOUIS– More charges {have|have actually} been {announced|revealed} for {one of|among} the {reality|truth} {show|program} stars {centered|focused} around St. Louis {restaurant|dining establishment} {Sweetie|Sweetheart|Darling} Pie’s.

On Tuesday, James Timothy Norman, 41, was charged with conspiracy to {use|utilize} interstate commerce {facilities|centers} in the commission of a murder-for-hire {resulting in|leading to} death in connection with the March 2016 murder of 21-year-old Andre Montgomery. Terica Ellis, {an exotic dancer|a stripper} from Memphis who {investigators|detectives|private investigators} {said|stated} was Norman’s accomplice, was {arrested|apprehended|detained|jailed} and charged with the {same|exact same|very same} {crime|criminal offense|criminal activity}.

RELATED:’Welcome to {Sweetie|Sweetheart|Darling} Pie’s’star {accused|implicated} of murder-for-hire killing of nephew in St. Louis

According to court {documents|files}, in 2014, Norman {obtained|acquired|got} a $450,000 life {insurance|insurance coverage} policy on his nephew, Andre Montgomery, on which Norman was the sole {beneficiary|recipient}. In the days leading up to Montgomery’s murder, Ellis {communicated|interacted} with Montgomery and {informed|notified} him that she was {planning|preparing} to be in St. Louis.

The day Montgomery {died|passed away}, Norman and Ellis {bought|purchased} and {activated|triggered} {temporary|short-term|momentary|short-lived} {cellphones|mobile phones|cellular phones} at the {same|exact same|very same} {store|shop} {and then|and after that} {communicated|interacted} on them {all day|all the time|throughout the day}. Court {documents|files} {said|stated} Ellis {also|likewise} {used|utilized} the {cellphone|mobile phone|cellular phone} to {communicate|interact} with Montgomery and {learn|discover|find out} where he was for the {purpose|function} of {luring|enticing|drawing|tempting} him outside.

{Immediately|Instantly|Right away} after {learning|discovering|finding out} Montgomery’s {location|place|area}, Ellis {placed|put|positioned} a call to Norman. Montgomery was shot and {killed|eliminated} in the 3900 block of Natural Bridge {Avenue|Opportunity} on March 14, 2016. Ellis’phone {location|place|area} {information|info|details} {placed|put|positioned} her in the {vicinity|area} of the murder {at time|sometimes} of the {homicide|murder}. After the murder, Ellis called Norman and {began|started} {traveling|taking a trip} to Memphis. In the days after the murder, Ellis {deposited|transferred} over$9,000 in {cash|money} into {various|different|numerous} {bank accounts|checking account|savings account}. On March 18, 2016, Norman {contacted|got in touch with|called} the life {insurance|insurance coverage} {company|business} to {try|attempt} to {collect|gather} on the life {insurance|insurance coverage} policy he {had|had actually} {obtained|acquired|gotten} on his nephew.


On Thursday, the grand jury {also|likewise} charged Norman and his {insurance|insurance coverage} {agent|representative} Waiel Rebhi Yaghnam, 42, of St. Louis, with one count of conspiracy to {commit|dedicate|devote} wire and mail {fraud|scams}. Federal {{complaints|grievances|problems} and arrests|arrests and {complaints|grievances|problems}} warrants were {previously|formerly} {issued|provided|released} for Norman and Ellis, who were both {arrested|apprehended|detained|jailed} {earlier|previously} {this week|today}.

The indictment {alleges|declares} that {prior|previous} to Montgomery’s murder, Norman conspired with Yaghnam to fraudulently {obtain|acquire|get} a life {insurance|insurance coverage} policy on Montgomery. According to court {documents|files}, Norman and Yaghnam {submitted|sent} {three|3} {separate|different} life {insurance|insurance coverage} applications {beginning|starting} in October 2014. All applications {contained|included|consisted of} {numerous|various|many} {false|incorrect} {statements|declarations} {regarding|concerning|relating to} Montgomery’s {income|earnings}, net worth, {medical history|case history}, {employment|work} and {family|household} background.

In the life {insurance|insurance coverage} policy that was {ultimately|eventually} {issued|provided|released}, Norman {obtained|acquired|got} a$ 200,000 policy, {as well as|in addition to|along with} $200,000 {accidental|unintentional|unexpected} death rider that would {pay out|pay} {in the event that|in case|on the occasion that} Montgomery {died|passed away} of something {other than|besides|aside from} natural causes, and a $50,000 10 year-term rider that would {pay out|pay} if Montgomery {died|passed away} within {10 years|ten years} of the policy’s issuance in 2014.

According to a release from the Department of Justice, if {convicted|founded guilty} of the conspiracy to {commit|dedicate|devote} {murder-for-hire or murder-for-hire|murder-for-hire or murder-for-hire}, {resulting in|leading to} death, the {penalty|charge} is life {imprisonment|jail time} or death and a fine of $250,000; and conspiracy to {commit|dedicate|devote} wire and mail {fraud|scams} {carries|brings} {a maximum|an optimum} {penalty|charge} of {20 years|twenty years} in {prison|jail} and a fine of $250,000.

RELATED:'{{Shocking|Stunning} and {sad|unfortunate}|{Sad|Unfortunate} and {shocking|stunning}}’| {How many|The number of} are {reacting|responding} to murder-for-hire {allegation|accusation|claims} {against|versus} {Sweetie|Sweetheart|Darling} Pie’s star The release {also|likewise} {stated|specified|mentioned} the arrests of Norman and Ellis {are part of|belong to|become part of} Operation LeGend.

Operation LeGend {began|started} in St. Louis {earlier|previously} this month.

RELATED: 50 federal {agents|representatives} {coming to|concerning|pertaining to} St. Louis to {combat|fight} violent {crime|criminal offense|criminal activity} Source:
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