{Prosecutors|District attorneys} {won’t|will not} {seek|look for} {death penalty|capital punishment|death sentence} in case {involving|including} {Sweetie|Sweetheart|Darling} Pie’s star – KSDK.com

26 November 2020

ST. LOUIS– Federal {prosecutors|district attorneys} {won’t|will not} {seek|look for} the {death penalty|capital punishment|death sentence} in the murder-for-hire case {involving|including} {Sweetie|Sweetheart|Darling} Pie’s star James Timothy Norman. Norman is the {son|child|kid|boy} of {Sweetie|Sweetheart|Darling} Pie’s owner Robbie Montgomery.” {Welcome|Invite} to {Sweetie|Sweetheart|Darling} Pie’s”was {a reality|a truth} {show|reveal} that {ran on|operated on|worked on} the Oprah Winfrey Network.

{Earlier|Previously} this month, Norman, Terica Taneisha Ellis, Waiel Rebhi Yaghnam and Travell Anthony Hill were {indicted|prosecuted|arraigned} by a federal grand jury in connection with the

2016 murder of Andre Montgomery.

Montgomery was fatally shot in the 3900 block of Natural Bridge Ave in

St. Louis on March 14, 2016, around 8 p.m. Andre is the {grandson|grand son} of Robbie. Norman, Ellis and Hill are

charged with conspiracy to {commit|dedicate|devote} {murder-for-hire and murder-for|murder-for and murder-for-hire} hire {resulting in|leading to} the death of Montgomery. Norman and Yaghnam are charged with conspiracy to {commit|dedicate|devote}

wire and mail {fraud|scams}, and Yaghnam is charged with {five|5} counts of {aggravated|worsened|intensified|exacerbated} identity theft all in connection with Montgomery’s murder-for-hire. According to court {documents|files} {filed|submitted} on Nov. 25, {prosecutors|district attorneys} {won’t|will not} {seek|look for} the death

{penalty|charge} {against|versus} Norman or Ellis.

The {documents|files} {said|stated} the {death penalty|capital punishment|death sentence} analysis for Hill is pending, which is {standard procedure|guideline|standard operating procedure}. MONTGOMERY’S MURDER

According to the indictment and court {documents|files}, Norman conspired with Ellis, Hill and others to {use|utilize} {a cellphone|a mobile phone|a cellular phone} to {commit|dedicate|devote} a murder-for-hire in exchange for United States currency. In 2014, Norman {obtained|acquired|got} {a total|an overall} of$ 450,000 in life {insurance|insurance coverage} {proceeds|continues} on Montgomery, on which Norman was the sole {beneficiary|recipient}. The day Montgomery {died|passed away}, Norman and Ellis {bought|purchased} and {activated|triggered} {temporary|short-term|momentary|short-lived} {cellphones|mobile phones|cellular phones} at the {same|exact same|very same} {store|shop} {and then|and after that} {communicated|interacted} on them {all day|all the time|throughout the day}. Court {documents|files} {said|stated} Ellis {also|likewise} {used|utilized} the {cellphone|mobile phone|cellular phone} to {communicate|interact} with Montgomery and {learn|discover|find out} where he was for the {purpose|function} of {luring|enticing|drawing|tempting} him outside. {Immediately|Instantly|Right away} after {learning|discovering|finding out} Montgomery’s {location|place|area}

, Ellis {placed|put|positioned} a call to Norman and {relayed|communicated|passed on} the address to him and Hill.

Montgomery was then shot and {killed|eliminated}.

Ellis’ phone {location|place|area} {information|info|details} {placed|put|positioned} her in the {vicinity|area} of the murder {at time|sometimes} of the {homicide|murder}. After the murder, Ellis called Norman and {began|started} {traveling|taking a trip} to Memphis. In the days after the murder, Ellis {deposited|transferred} over$ 9,000 in {cash|money} into {various|different|numerous} {bank accounts|checking account|savings account}. Hill {received|got} {a cash|a money} payment of $5,000 at the {direction|instructions} of Norman. That {same|exact same|very same} day Hill {engaged in|participated in|took part in} {a recorded|a tape-recorded|a taped} {phone conversation|telephone call} with {an individual|a private|a specific} in {jail|prison} and {discussed|talked about|gone over} Montgomery’s murder and his payment. On March 18, 2016, Norman {contacted|got in touch with|called} the life {insurance|insurance coverage} {company|business} to {try|attempt} to {collect|gather} on the life {insurance|insurance coverage} policy he {had|had actually} {obtained|acquired|gotten} on his nephew.

According to court {documents|files}, Norman and Yaghnam {submitted|sent} {three|3} {separate|different} life {insurance|insurance coverage} applications {beginning|starting} in October 2014. All applications {contained|included|consisted of} {numerous|various|many} {false|incorrect} {statements|declarations} {regarding|concerning|relating to} Montgomery’s {income|earnings}, net worth, {medical history|case history}, {employment|work} and {family|household} background.

In the life {insurance|insurance coverage} policy that was {ultimately|eventually} {issued|provided|released}, Norman {obtained|acquired|got} a$200,000 policy, {as well as|in addition to|along with} a$200,000 {accidental|unintentional|unexpected} death rider that would {pay out|pay} {in the event that|in case|on the occasion that} Montgomery {died|passed away} of something {other than|besides|aside from} natural causes, and a $50,000 10 year-term rider that would {pay out|pay} if Montgomery {died|passed away} within {10 years|ten years} of the policy’s issuance in 2014.


RELATED:’Welcome to {Sweetie|Sweetheart|Darling} Pie’s’star, 3 others {indicted|prosecuted|arraigned} by federal grand jury in murder-for-hire plot RELATED:’ {Shocking|Stunning}

and {sad|unfortunate}’| {How many|The number of} are {reacting|responding} to murder-for-hire {allegation|accusation|claims} {against|versus} {Sweetie|Sweetheart|Darling} Pie’s star Source: ksdk.com

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