{Reality|Truth} Star {Arrested|Apprehended|Detained|Jailed} In Murder For-Hire-Plot That Killed Nephew – {Vibe|Ambiance}

20 August 2020

by {VIBE|AMBIANCE} {Staff|Personnel} Tim Norman, from the OWN {show|program} ‘Welcome to {Sweetie|Sweetheart|Darling} Pie’s’ is {currently|presently} being {held on|hung on} federal charges.

{A former|A previous} {reality|truth} star and restaurateur, is {accused|implicated} of paying {someone|somebody} to {kill|eliminate} his teenage nephew to {cash in on|capitalize} a life {insurance|insurance coverage} policy. The FBI {arrested|apprehended|detained|jailed} James Timothy Norman on federal conspiracy charges on Tuesday (Aug. 18)

Norman and his {alleged|supposed} {cohort|accomplice|mate|friend|associate}, Terica Ellis, conspired in a murder-for-hire plot, according to the criminal {complaint|grievance|problem}. In 2014, Norman {took out|got|secured} a $250,000 life {insurance|insurance coverage} policy on his 18-year-old nephew, Andre Montgomery. Authorities claim Norman, who was the policy’s sole {beneficiary|recipient}, paid the premiums out of his {bank account|checking account|savings account}. He {allegedly|presumably|apparently|supposedly} {attempted|tried} {an additional|an extra} $200,000 life {insurance|insurance coverage} policy {but|however} the application was {denied|rejected}.

Montgomery was {gunned down|assassinated} on March 14, 2016. {Four|4} days {earlier|previously}, Ellis, {an exotic dancer|a stripper}, emailed Montgomery, “I’m on my {way in|method} town.” Norman {arrived|showed up|got here} in St. Louis from Los Angeles on the {morning|early morning} that Montgomery was {killed|eliminated}. The {documents|files} {alleges|declares} that Norman and Ellis corresponded on {two|2} {temporary|short-term|momentary|short-lived} {cell phones|mobile phone|cellular phone} {activated|triggered} the day of the {homicide|murder}. “These phones {communicated|interacted} {consistently|regularly} throughout the day of the {homicide|murder}, and both were {deactivated|shut off|shut down} and {ceased|stopped} activity on March 15, 2016, the day after the {homicide|murder}.”

Per the affidavit, Montgomery {received|got} {a phone call|a telephone call|a call} and stepped outside where he was shot to death {moments|minutes} {later|later on}. “The forensic {examination|evaluation|assessment} of Montgomery’s phone, and subsequent {investigation|examination}, {revealed|exposed} that the {two|2} {people|individuals} he {spoke to|talked to|spoke with} within the 10 minutes prior to his death were his {friends|buddies|pals|good friends}, K.T., and {Terrace|Balcony} Ellis.”

The {investigation|examination} {revealed|exposed} that Montgomery texted his address to Ellis, who {allegedly|presumably|apparently|supposedly} {phoned|telephoned} Norman less than an hour {before|prior to} the {teen|teenager} was {killed|eliminated}. In the days after Montgomery’s death, Ellis {deposited|transferred} over $9,000 into {various|different|numerous} {bank accounts|checking account|savings account}, {including|consisting of} a newly-opened {savings|cost savings} account.

One week after the murder, Norman {allegedly|presumably|apparently|supposedly} {attempted|tried} to {collect|gather} on the life {insurance|insurance coverage} {police|authorities|cops} {but|however} was {turned down|declined|denied|rejected|refused} for “failure to {provide|offer|supply} {several|a number of|numerous} {requested|asked for} {documents|files}.”

Norman is being held without bail {at the Madison County Detention Center.|At the Madison County Detention.} The 41-year-old is best {known|understood} for starring {alongside|together with|along with} his {mother|mom}, Robbie Montgomery, in the OWN series, {Welcome|Invite} to {Sweetie|Sweetheart|Darling} Pie’s, which ended in 2018. Norman and his {mother|mom} opened a string of Welcome to {Sweetie|Sweetheart|Darling} Pie’s {restaurants|dining establishments} in St. Louis, and Southern California, {many of|a lot of|a number of|much of} which were {closed down|shut down}.

Source: vibe.com

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