12 June 2020

BLOOMINGTON — Driving behaviors evolve during the pandemic and, based on current trends, State Farm is working to reduce auto insurance rates in Illinois by 13.7%.
State Farm officials said the rate reduction is projected to save 2.8 million customers a total of $320 million. This applies to current customers at policy renewal, as well as new and returning customers.
“Current State Farm driving data and claims experience show a considerable decline in miles driven and fewer accidents,” said State Farm Senior Vice President Rob Stewart. “As a result, we’re looking for ways to continue supporting our Illinois customers while we monitor and adjust to trends.”
In addition to this auto rate reduction, the discount for participating in Drive Safe & Save™ is increasing to 10%, empowering drivers to save on their auto premiums through driving behaviors.
Customer rate reductions will vary based on their individual renewals. Customers are encouraged to visit with their State Farm agent about individual policies, coverage and any opportunities for discounts, including Drive Safe & Save.
Source: thetelegraph.com